Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Putting the 'h' into hypocrisy and the triple 'd' into double standards"

Remember Amicus leading the way to a new 'super union' which was going to change the world? Below we post a link to the amicuscc web site where we read of the unusual response of Derek Simpson (the man who wants Gordon Brown crowned as New Labour supremo) to an equal pay grievance by a woman member of staff. The bad news? The five named 'comparators' have been sent a letter terminating their contract of employment. The good news? They will be offered alternative employment at a lower rate of pay! This couldn't be a means of circumventing the equal pay claim, surely? Read what the GMB organisation of Amicus staff has to say. The website reproduces the GMB leaflet explaining the case. Amongst other things they accuse Derek of breaching contract law and the Sex Discrimination Act. Aren't they lucky they work for a trade union instead of an anti-union employer.


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