Saturday, January 06, 2007

National conference for NHS campaigners

20th January 2006 - 11am - Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London(opposite Euston Station)

Across the country local campaigns are starting up to protect local NHSservices. We are inviting all NHS campaigners to come together to findways to urgently intensify the pressure on the government to change theirapproach on the NHS.There will be speakers to provide an overview on the political situationand on what we have learnt from the campaign so far, along with workshopsessions where campaigning ideas can be developed in smaller groups.Speakers include Tony Benn, John Lister, Jacky Davis and Sally Ruane.

We are inviting NHS campaigns to send up to 3 delegates. All remainingplaces are available on a first come first served basis and we welcomeanyone interested in actively campaigning in support of the NHS. Toregister for places send delegate names to
01273 234822.

There is a fee of £5 for each place.It crucial to build for the TUC led national event on 3 March and to worktogether where we can.More details from the KONP campaign, NHS Support Federation, 113 QueensRoad, Brighton, BN1 3XG